Oval Grudge Games


The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events.  These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules.   NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATIONS OF OR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND OR REGULATIONS.  They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant, spectator, or official.


The race director shall be empowered to permit reasonable and appropriate deviation from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in his/her opinion do not alter the minimum acceptable requirements.  NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM SUCH ALTERATION OF SPECIFICATIONS.  Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the officials. Their decision is final.


The Management of CRC Entertainment LLC and Southampton Motor Speedway

  • Event Rules and Regulations
  • When on track, drivers must remain in their vehicle at all times. Do not exit your vehicle unless it is on fire and take caution of other vehicles that may be on the track
    • Drivers must keep all body parts inside the vehicle at all times.
  • NO STANDING BURNOUTS!! If you perform a standing burnout anywhere on track you will be immediately suspended from competition and for the remainder of the season.
  • Flags
    • Green Flag/Light – Begin the race competition
    • Checkered flag – Signals that the car has crossed the finish line and competition round is over
    • Yellow Flag –Used at all times, this means slow down immediately. 
    • Red Flag – Used at all times, this means to stop driving and come to a complete stop in a quick and safe manner. While a Red Flag is raised, stay in your vehicle and do not move.
    • Black Flag – Used at all times, indicates an issue with your driving or your vehicle. Please safely remove yourself from the track and speak to a track official about the issue before returning to the track.
    • Incident on track but no flag – Driver must use common sense to assess the situation. 
  • DRIVER Qualifications and Safety
      • All Drivers must possess a valid driver’s license. If under 18, parent or legal guardian must be present and sign waiver.
      • All Drivers must sign the appropriate liability waiver and obtain the credentials before entering the racing surface
      • The driver’s meeting is MANDATORY! If you do not make the drivers meeting, see a track official BEFORE purchasing a Drivers Pass
      • Drivers are responsible for their crew and guests. Crew and guest are not allowed beyond the entrance of the track for any reason
      • Once an event has started, late comers cannot participate in the competition portion of the event. They may still be allowed to participate in non-competition portions.
      • Drivers must pay very close attention to all flaggers and course workers. If any of their instructions are ignored, the driver will be, at a minimum, kicked off track for the session. If the offense is repeated or unsafe, the driver could be ejected from the event.
      • Erratic or unsportsmanlike conduct either on or off track will result in immediate disqualification and possible removal from the facility
      • No intentional drifting during competition
      • Driver is responsible for getting vehicle lined up and staged when called for any event. Failure to do so may result in Disqualification for that round or the event.
      • Safety Equipment
        • All drivers are required to wear long pants, CLOSED TOE SHOES and sleeved shirts.
        • Fire rated gloves and shoes are recommended
        • Fire Suit is recommended
        • Helmets are required at all times while on track.
        • Helmet must be in good condition and show no signs of damage
        • Chin strap must be present and always fastened when wearing 
        • Annual Helmet Approval stickers are provided at the first tech inspection of the season and are good for the entire season unless the helmet is damaged. Random checks may also be performed at any event.
      • Sharing of any safety equipment is permitted but the event personnel are not responsible for providing adequate time for swapping equipment.
  • RESTRICTED AREA Rules and Regulations
    • All used tires must be taken with you at the end of the event.
    • If you spill any automotive fluids, you must clean it up immediately. Notify Southampton Motor Speedway event staff of any spills.
    • DO NOT dispose of any motor oil, antifreeze, or gear oil in the trash cans or down any drain on the facility.
  • VEHICLE Rules and Regulations
    • Vehicle must pass tech inspected by a track official before entering the track. Once tech inspected a vehicle will receive a sticker that must be present at each event. If a new vehicle is used it must be tech inspected before participating. Tech inspections may also occur randomly throughout the event. Leaks or other damage that may make the vehicle unsafe or cause a potential issue will be disqualified for the night. 
    • Tires must be Department of Transportation (DOT) approved and stamped with a treadwear of 200 or greater. Tires must be in reasonable condition and appearance with no steel cords or broken belts. No spares or temporary tires permitted.
    • All lugs nuts must be present
    • All vehicles must have a functioning exhaust
    • Vehicles must have properly mounted seats and working seat belts in reasonable condition. Can be stock or aftermarket.
    • Convertible tops must be up. T-Tops, Sunroof and Moon roofs must be closed
    • All loose items must be removed from vehicle
    • Hoods must be secured with a factory latch or hood pins
    • Excessively cracked windshields not permitted
    • Braking system must be functional and in good working order
    • Battery must be properly secured. NO ZIPTIES, BUNGIE CORDS, OR TOW STRAPS.
    • All suspension components should be properly installed and undamaged
    • Vehicle front and rear crash bars must be installed. Can be factory or aftermarket
    • All vehicles must be standard personnel vehicles. No limousines, busses, RVs, etc. If you are unsure, please contact the facility or speak to a track official before buying a driver pass
    • Vehicles the exhibit any obvious safety risk are subject to being declined permission to participate with no obligation for a refund. If you have questions, please contact us or speak to a track official before purchasing a drivers pass.
    • In the event a vehicle, participating in any portion of the event, hits the wall, it will need to be reinspected by a track official before re-entering the track.
    • Vehicle must have current registration and inspection sticker (Exception may be allowed at the discretion of track or event officials) If a vehicle does not require an inspection sticker it is still required to pass a technical inspection.
  • TIME ATTACK Rules and Regulations
  • This event will be (3) laps in a row for each driver who has entered. Each person will exit staging area and enter the track when directed to do so. You will proceed around the track to the start line. Once you reach the start line your first lap will begin with a green flag, followed by a white flag, then a checked flag. Once the checkered flag is received slow to a moderate pace and exit the track. Please make sure to pay attention to the flagger and the lights around the track. All drivers will repeat this process in the order they stage in the lanes until time has expired. The amount of sessions you receive will vary depending on the number of drivers but each participant should recieve at least 2 sessions in the allotted time.
  • Points will be awarded as follows:
  • One-hundred (100) points to the fastest lap time of the night
      • Ninety-Nine (99) points to the second fastest lap time with each position dropping one point
      • In the event of a tie, a one lap tie breaker will be used to determine the winner.
      • At the end of the season, officials will drop the lowest (2) lap times from each participant to determine the season winner.
    • There may be a maximum of (2) drivers per vehicle. Drivers are responsible for indicating the correct driver number on their windshield before each lap.
    • If a Time Attack vehicle is participating in the competition portion of the event, the second driver number must be removed from the windshield, or the vehicle will be disqualified.
    • Track officials are not responsible if times are applied to the wrong driver
  • ONE vs ONE COMPETITION RACING Rules and Regulations
      • This event is a double elimination event utilizing a double elimination bracket. Drivers will compete each round in a best of three (3) one vs one competition. The winner will advance to Bracket W and the loser will advance to bracket L. The brackets will continue in a double elimination format until a winner is determined. 
      • All rounds are single race except semi-finals and finals. Semi-finals and finals will be best out of three (3)
      • Inside/Outside lane is determined by a coin flip during staging. After this point, competitors will have (2) minutes to negotiate stagger at start. If a decision is not made within the time limit track officials will determine stagger.
      • Competitors will be allowed to pick their opening races. If a choice is not made and expressed to the track official before the start time, an opponent will be randomly selected for you.
      • During competition, hitting a cone, the wall or another vehicle will result in the LOSS of that race. In the event both vehicles hit something the first to do so will be eliminated from the race.
      • Points will be awarded as follows:
  • One-hundred (100) points to first place.
      • Ninety-Nine (99) points to the second place with each position dropping one point
      • At the last season event, a winner will be determined. In the event of a tie, participants will compete in a best of three (3) competition to determine the winner
    • GRUDGE MATCHES – Will be held at the end of competition if time allows. These matches are completely negotiable by the drivers and are for fun only. Points do not apply to Grudge matches.

Safety will always come first at Southampton Motor Speedway. Motorsports are fun and exciting but also dangerous. All rules must be strictly adhered to in order to participate in events. Anything found to be unsafe or questionable should be reported to track staff immediately. No refunds will be provided for lost track time due to inability to meet any of the rules and regulations listed above. Exceptions may be given for certain requirements if the driver discusses their issue with Southampton Motor Speedway prior to the event. Please see the contact information below if you have any question or concerns about any of the rules or regulations associated with Southampton Motor Speedway. Have fun!